April 28, 2024 -

What’s New

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Unification Updates: Members of both Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple and The Temple-Tifereth Israel have voted to move forward and create a new, unified temple – Congegation Mishkan Or. To read updates and the process of the merge discussions and voting, visit our Unification Update page here

Our Friends of Fairmount Annual Campaign
Chesed, or Loving Kindness, defines everything we do at Fairmount Temple, and the Friends of Fairmount campaign is an essential part our welcoming community.  Your contribution strengthens each one of us and ensures our inclusive community will flourish. You can make your contribution here.   Thank you to everyone (list here) who donated in the last fiscal year.

News5 Cleveland covered the return of in-person services at Fairmount Temple and “the faith to keep going.” Video here.

Our Clergy in the News:

Taryn & Andy Isaacs family keeps light of Hanukkah alive in dark times; returns to in-person celebrationsO